Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Did you ever see the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? You may not be old enough to have seen it when it first came out in 1968, but I was.I remember my father taking me to an old fashioned cinema, enormous, (or at least it was enormous to a 7…

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Easter Prayers & Updates

Hello Village! Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, arguably the most important day in the Christian Calendar. This is the day when the promises of God become real, when we realise that Jesus was more than just a wandering prophet or healer, that he was the first born of God. It’s a…

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Easter message

Today I wrote an article on adoption for next month’s G-Scene. When I came back to it I realised that it was exactly what I wanted to say in this Easter message. On Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead, bursting forth from the tomb and I believe that he invites us…

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