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Ukraine Appeal

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Ukraine Appeal

Ukraine AppealMCC in Europe has a team led by Florin Buhuceanu working in Romania to get folk out via Moldova. They have been working with 17 people from Ukraine (an lgbt+ activist from Odesa, a group of queer artists (who include 2 wounded persons from Kiev), and several allies from the local human rights movement). He has already managed to get a local LGBT+ activist and her pregnant wife out of the country, and with local connections can work under the radar.

Rev.  Micheal Hydes, The Village Senior pastor said, “I have known Florin for some years, and he is working hard to save as many as possible. He needs our support.”


If you wish to make a donation for Ukraine:

You can send a direct payment from your bank account to ours, and it will then be sent on to the European network. 

Please use these details

  • Lloyds Bank
  • sort code 77-91-29
  • account number 40361660
  • account name The Village MCC
  • Please use the reference ‘Ukraine’