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Board meeting and report – Friday June 8th 2018

Agenda for the meeting of the board of trustees

Friday July 6th 2018 7:30pm


  1. Opening Prayer.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting.
  3. Reports:
  • Pastor’s report (written)
  • Treasurer’s reports (written)
  • Lay delegate report (verbal)
  • Associate pastor’s report (verbal)
  • Pickle fund report (verbal)
  1. AOB to be scheduled in for this meeting?
  2. Safeguarding.
  3. Health and Safety.
  4. Working party to look at document wording.
  5. Bear Weekend volunteer opportunities.
  6. Trans Pride.
  7. Pride
  8. Worship (Keith), Network Gathering. pet service.


Our Vision

We call for a world where LGBTQ people live free from discrimination.

Our Mission

We are called primarily to empower and serve the LGBTQ community.

Our Core Values

We are a Christian church called to do justice and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8).
We seek at all times to be honest, transparent, and true to our mission in the world.

Minutes for the meeting of the board of trustees
Friday May 11th 2018 7:30pm at Keith’s home.


Present: Rev Michael Hydes (Chair), Keith Fish (Treasurer), Sarah Barber (Safeguarding Officer),

Wendy Burgess (Board Member), Dameon Loukas (Lay Delegate).

Guests: none

Apologies: Simon and Rev. Peta.

Opening Prayer: Rev. Michael

Minutes of the last meeting: Brighton festival should be B Right On festival.

Acceptance with amendments proposed by: Rev. Michael Seconded by: Keith Yes ALL No


Pastor’s report:

Acceptance proposed by: Wendy Seconded by: Keith Yes ALL No Abstain

Treasurer’s report:

Acceptance proposed by: Rev. Michael Seconded by: Wendy Yes ALL No Abstain

Lay delegate report (verbal) Nothing to report.

Associate pastor’s report (Verbal – Reported by Rev. Michael) Garden continues to take shape,

thank you to the volunteers, especially Mary, who are helping it to take shape.

Pickle fund report: No payments recently made.

Safeguarding: Update for those who missed the last board meeting. Confidential.

Health and Safety: Ensure that the allotment been assessed for H&S risks.

Trans Pride – Rev. Michael to connect with Rev. Peta with a view to organisation.

Pride – Volunteer meeting with Billie from LGBTCSF to be organised. Date TBA.

Brunswick Festival – Scout this year with a view to having a stall next year.

AOB – Financial support for the networking event to be discussed further.

Jean Hatton is now attending a different church and has asked to come off

the Village MCC membership list. We pray she is blessed in her new home.

Closing Prayer. Wendy.

Action points.

  • Simon has to work late on Fridays with his new job for a while. Board members and guests will fill in to take minutes during the absence.  DONE
  • Rev. Michael to pay £150 into the Village MCC account for the Soul Safari Film Licence deposit, which was returned via his personal credit card.  DONE
  • Ask Mary if there are any possible H&S concerns around the Church Garden. Rev. Michael and Rev. Peta to jointly create a risk assessment.  DONE
  • Rev. Michael to connect with Billie to arrange PRIDE volunteer meeting. DONE

Pastor’s report for May 2018

The month began with the Queerying Christianity debrief at Charlies home. We decided to run a bi-weekly group where we can look at some of the faith questions of interest to church members. The first meeting was on June 6th and there were 9 of us present. Thank you to Charlie for hosting the event.

I was in the studio for two episodes of Queersay, and was Sophie Cook’s guest on Radio Reverb for her weekly news program. Sophie asked about the church and I was able to speak freely about the work dome by the church and the members.

I met with my spiritual director for the second time. I’m enjoying the interaction, and she is a great deal more proactive than I’m used to.

I have been asked to join peer Action as a volunteer therapist on their therapy days. I have accepted and am waiting for the background checks to come through.

I’ve been pleased to see that attendance in worship has been good and when Rev. Kate Harford preached there were 32 in church, more than any regular service to date.

During the month I made two pastoral calls, met with two non church members for coffee to offer support, made two pickle payments, and published an article in G-Scene.

I am looking forward to Pride and all the summer events on the horizon!



May ’18 Board Accounts for The Village Metropolitan Community Church


Opening  Bal at  30 April 2018                                £5582.32




Collections                                                                 Attendance

06 May                                                 40.00            28
13 May                                                 33.00            25
27 May                                                 26.50            25
27 May                                                  70.36            32
Standing Order                                   1076.50
Film deposit                                           150.00
Pickle fund donation                           100.00




Rev Michael                           450.00
Rev Peta                                    50.00
Ufmcc tithe                            113.06
Costs /expenses                      66.00
Rent Sundays                        144.00
Global justice                            110.70

Brighton in need                       500.00


(conference transfer £50.00)

Balance in Account as at 31 May 2018                         £5644.92


Rev Michael                           450.00
Rev Peta                                    50.00
Ufmcc tithe                            109.64
Costs /expenses                    132.70
Rent Sundays                        144.00


forecast Balance available                                                                £4758.58


Keyboard fund                         £ 39.16

PickleFund                               £1003.13

Sleep Safe                                 £345.53

Community Works                  £115.12

Conference Fund                   £  950.00

General funds           Avail                                                  £2305.64