News and service details for Sunday 3rd October 2021
Autumn is here, and the rain has come with it. Not that we had much of a summer this year. The few good weeks we had took us by surprise, and the usual sunny months were pretty dismal. Oh the joys of an English summer! It’s often said that if you don’t like the weather then just wait a few hours and it’ll probably change. Maybe not always, but it certainly never fails to surprise us.
I can’t say that I find change easy, even when it’s just the weather, but sometimes change is necessary. As we continue to recover from the pandemic, (not that it’s over yet), we continue to face changes in our church life. Worship volunteers have been ill; circumstances have changed, and we are in a new worship space.
Shortly, the way we do online worship will change again. Instead of broadcasting live on Facebook we will be recording both our services and Sunday Connections, and posting the videos to Facebook after the event. This Sunday will be the last service that is posted live on Facebook. Don’t worry, services will be posted pretty quickly and you can always join our Sunday Connection on Zoom. (If you don’t want to interact with anyone else then just simply mute your microphone, and turn your camera off. You can set Zoom to open that way as standard if it’s easier). We are looking at other ways of broadcasting but it’s going to take us a while to work out what works best for us. If you have any suggestions then please do let me know.
You’ll also notice that our in-person worship will have a little less structure than you may be used to, and until we get a hang of the video and sound system, and have enough volunteers to staff it on a rota, I will continue to hand out printed service and song sheets. Recording the service, and broadcasting it on Facebook later allows us to set volume levels, etc, which should make the service a great deal more enjoyable to watch.
You will notice Will introducing new songs, and if there’s anything you’d like included then please let me know! I have to say that I am genuinely excited about this new phase of our worship life, and hope you enjoy the experience too.
The weather may be awful, but if there’s joy in our hearts it’s not a problem. I pray that you experience a renewed sense of joy in our worship, and your spiritual journey with The Village MCC.
Much love
Rev. Michael
If you’d like to contact me you can do so by emailing me at
Yesterday I received the following email from Seb at the Refugee and Migrant Forum, of which The Village MCC is a member organisation. If you can help in any way it would be greatly appreciated. Mike xx
We’ve been approached by Care4Calais to lend our support to a group of asylum seekers newly arrived in the UK from Iran, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Sudan. 64 men are currently housed in a hotel in Brighton & Hove and have NOTHING.
The Planet Brighton Family have stepped up and will be accepting a limited list of donations on Thursday, Friday & Saturday before Hermione will run the MAIN COLLECTION on Sunday from 10.00am to 4.00pm at Unit 1. Please see details below;
THURSDAY – The Green Centre will be accepting NEW ITEMS ONLY; mens underwear, socks and vests, new and in packaging.
FRIDAY: Cat “Freegle” Friday will be accepting 2nd hand items; phone chargers, back packs, men’s waterproof jackets and winter coats.
SATURDAY: Reuben of Proud Soap will be accepting NEW ITEMS ONLY; mens underwear, socks and vests, new and in packaging.
SUNDAY: Hermione will run the main collection from 10am to 4pm and will be accepting the following, washed and in excellent condition;
- T-.Shirts
- Casual Shirts
- Hoodies / Sweatshirts
- Jumpers
- Jeans [slim fit]
- Track suit bottoms [elastic bottoms]
- Light Jackets
- Waterproof Jackets
- Winter Coats
- Socks / Underwear / Vests all new and in packaging
- Trainers
- Backpacks
- Unlocked phones
- UK Phone charger plugs
Thank you
Community Prayers.
Lord, we continue to lift the refugees that are seeking sanctuary, and ask that we may be a blessing to those who have fled with nothing but the clothes on their backs and are settling here in Brighton. Be a welcoming spirit in our City Lord.
We ask you be with Patricia, and her family, as they mourn Patricia’s partner Ann. Be with them in their grief lord. We continue to ask for healing for Robert, and Simon as they continue to receive treatment; Wendy and Sarah for their ongoing health; and Charlie, as he recovers at home. We lift all those we may not have mentioned, but who you know need your touch. Lord, please continue to be with us all. Amen.
If you would like to add a prayer to the newsletter then please email me at – Michael x
Sunday Service 3rd October 2021
This evening Michael is bringing us a word based on Psalm 28.
I reach Out in Prayer – Rev. Christine Robinson
I reach out to you in prayer.
Do you hear me?
I try to pray right.
I go to church
I avoid evil deeds and evildoers
(as best I can.)
I try to be honest with myself
and gentle to those around me.
And—since you don’t talk very often, I try
to see you in your works and in your people.
When flocks of birds pass overhead
or the sun shines on the mountain
When I notice my burdens lightening
or see a rainbow after a storm—
I say, “God has heard my prayer.”
Thank you. You are my strength and my shield.
I trust you. I have been helped
And my heart dances for joy
Keeping up to date with MCC Internationally
Do you receive emails from the MCC denomination? There are updates on the way churches around the world are meeting this crisis, along with prayers, support, and much much more. If you would like check out what newsletters are available then please email:
Sarah Barber is our Lay Delegate, and a link with the denomination. Please contact her at the church email address if you would like to know more about how The ‘Village’ MCC fits into the International Church.
ral Care Team – 07476 667353
Pastoral care continues. Call or text the church mobile and leave a message, and someone will get back to you. When the pandemic first broke we tried to reach out to everybody at least once a month. As time has gone on we have reduced our pastoral care calls to those who have either requested them or are at high risk. Of course we don’t want to miss anybody out so if you would like to connect then please let us know
Would you like to give a gift to aid the work of the Village MCC?
Giving to The Village MCC.
‘The Village MCC’ is self-financing, we do not receive any central funding. If you would like to support the work we do, there are a number of ways to do so.
Regular giving:
If you would like to set up a regular monthly Payment to The “Village’ Church, which is the best way for us to budget for our work, Please email the treasurer at;, you will then be sent the details of how to do this.
Single donation
If you wish to make a single donation You can send a direct payment from your bank account using the following details From the UK:
• Lloyds Bank
• sort code 77-91-29
• account number 40361660
• account name The Village MCC
• Please use the reference ‘Collection’
Please also email the Treasurer at to let them know to expect a payment. • There is also a donate button on the Church Website at if bank transfer is not possible. If you do not have access to the internet, you can still make a donation with your debit card. Please email the Treasurer at; to arrange a phone call to make this payment.