Board meeting and report – Friday March 9th 2018

Agenda for the meeting of the board of trustees

Friday March 9th 2018 7:30pm


  1. Opening Prayer.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting.
  3. Reports:
  • Pastor’s report (written)
  • Treasurer’s reports (written)
  • Lay delegate report (verbal)
  • Associate pastor’s report (verbal)
  • Pickle fund report (verbal)
  1. AOB to be scheduled in for this meeting?
  2. Safeguarding.
  3. Health and Safety.
  4. Working party to look at document wording.
  5. Soul Safari debrief.
  6. WTC Funding opportunity.
  7. Data protection Act
  8. Easter Offering – The Global Justice Institute.
  9. AOB. keith question.

Reminder: If asked the following questions please use these stock answers.

Why are there two MCC Churches in Brighton, and how are they different? MCC is a fellowship of churches that are all very different to each other. The Village MCC is a Christian church that’s happy to identify with the LGBT Community and support it. I don’t know how MCC Brighton sees themselves, but I’m sure their website will have lots of information.

Why does Andrew Ramage wear a collar, even though he’s not an ordained minister? In the UK it’s not against the law for anyone to wear a clergy collar, and our denomination now allows lay leaders to wear one. However, at The Village MCC only ordained ministers wear a clergy collar.


Our Vision

We call for a world where LGBTQ people live free from discrimination.

Our Mission

We are called primarily to empower and serve the LGBTQ community.

Our Core Values

We are a Christian church called to do justice and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8).
We seek at all times to be honest, transparent, and true to our mission in the world.

Minutes for the meeting of the board of trustees
Friday February 9th 2018 7:30pm at Keith’s home.


Present: Simon Markham (Secretary), Keith Fish (Treasurer), Rev Peta Evens (Associate Pastor) and Dameon Loukas (Lay Delegate)

Apologies: Rev Michael Hydes, Wendy and Sarah.

Simon opened in prayer.

Minutes of last meeting: Proposed: Rev Peta  Seconded: Keith  All in favour.

(Amend spelling mistake on the word Seder),

Pastors Report: Proposed: Keith   Seconded: Rev Peta  All in favour.

Treasurers Report: Proposed: Simon  Seconded: Rev Peta  All in favour.

Lay Delegates Report: Nothing to report.

Associate Pastors Report: Rev Peta said the prayer team is going well and more people are volunteering. On Ash Wednesday Rev Peta is going to offer Ash Wednesday blessings.

Rev Peta said that due to train cancellation and illness had been unable to go to Peterborough. Rev Peta along with Mary and Stephen are working on a Lent retreat to be held at Mary’s unit. Peterson Toscano is visiting Brighton in September and Rev Peta is looking at ways of creating an event. Rev. Peta will be going to Poole on the 11th March to MCC.

Pickle Fund: Four payments had been made from the fund.

Soul Safari: Plans moving ahead smoothly although it would be good is there were more volunteers available. Advertising is going well, although some Christian groups refused to add us to their events list.

Safeguarding: No new issues.

Health and Safety: No new issues.

Working Documents: We are hoping to create a working party to look at this.

Any Other Business: Rev Peta asked Keith if he could laminate some things for the Soul Safari. Keith said the data protection changes are coming in but that Rev. Michael has sent out a permission request to all on our mailing list.

Rev Peta closed in Prayer.

Pastor’s report for February 2018

Firstly, thank you for keeping a secret. (Well, mostly, lol!). Chris was thrilled with his birthday trip and we both had a nice time away. It’s the first time we’ve been out of the country together since General Conference 2013. Lisbon is a lovely place to visit, being a tram nut I was especially happy, We ate too much, saw the sights, and relaxed together. When we came back we visited with family for a few days which was also nice.

Then into the maelstrom of church activity. The Queerying Christianity Lent journey has started and so far there’s been a nice mix of folk. Mostly folk from the church, there have also been some visitors who have helped to broaden the level of experience and belief.

The two Soul Safari days are behind us, and both were a success in their own way.

On the 18th around 30 people attended the rough sleepers workshop held by Greg Headley, then about a dozen of us watched The Shack. There were two visitors, both of whom enjoyed it immensely. However, it was an expensive outreach and by no means cost effective.

On the 25th we held the Mind, Body, Spirit festival. I think we had a hundred or so guests, and a really eclectic group of contributors. Muslims, Wiccans, Christians, brought workshops and experiences to the space. It was wonderful to have a massage therapist and Reiki healer; a funeral celebrant, MCC Brighton’s Spiritual Spa space, faeries galore, and a choir experience from Aneesa Chaudrey just to name a few. It was a long day and hard work, but thanks to Keith, Simon, Dameon, Peta, Marsha, Isla, Sheila, Robert, Chris, Sarah, Stephen, as well as Wendy, Charlie, and others that worked behind the scenes, it was amazing to see such diversity come together. Thank you everyone.

In February there were no pickle payments, however I spent a long day trying to support an LGBT refugee in London who spoke only Portuguese, and made two local pastoral visits.

Thank you to Charlie who has been representing the church at the Working to Connect events. We have been given a small grant for infrastructure. Not a lot, but every penny certainly makes a difference.

Will has not been able to rejoin us as musical director and we are looking at Easter before he is able to even think about returning. Peta and I remain in touch and will keep everyone posted on his progress. We wish him God’s blessings as he heals.

Of course the next major event on the calendar is Easter. We have the space booked for the Seder, and I’m just hoping that Lamb isn’t too expensive this year!


Rev. Michael.

Feb ’18 Board Accounts for The Village Metropolitan Community Church

Opening  Bal at 31 January 2018                                        £5557.74


Collections                                                      Attendance

04 Feb                                                31.00
11 Feb                                                49.50
18 Feb                                                25.00
25 Feb                                                30.00
Standing Order                                  586.50




Rev Michael                                       450.00
Rev Peta                                                50.00
Costs/ expenses                                376.61
Ufmcc Tithe                                       121.39
Rent Sundays                                    144.00
Rent Wednesdays                                72.00


(conference transfer £50.00)

Balance in Account as at 28 February 2018                                   £5065.74


Rev Michael                           450.00
Rev Peta                                    50.00
Ufmcc tithe                               77.28
Costs /expenses                    170.07
Rent Sundays                        144.00
Rent Wednesday                   144.00
Rent Maundy Thursday          36.00
S Barber exp                             38.29
S Barber Pickle Fund                 10.00


forecast Balance available                                                                £3946.10

Keyboard fund                         £ 39.16

PickleFund                               £1391.42

Sleep Safe                                 £345.53

Community Works                  £   00.00

Conference Fund                   £  800.00

General funds           Avail                                                              £1369.99

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