Love Thy Neighbour – Sermon Text

STEWARDSHIP Will you pray with me.. Almighty God thank you for inviting people like us to share in your mission. You gave Paul a vision of a world won for Christ so please show us here in our church how we can play our part in making that vision a…

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Come out for Justice!

21st October 2018  – MCC 1990s ‘come out for justice’ Isaiah 58: So, I’ve got the 90s. Or technically, 1988 to ‘98, because MCC started in ‘68, so that’s our decades. And it seems to me that with the progression of preachers as we do a decade each week, we…

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Thank God for wild excitable women!

16th September 2018 Thank God for wild , excitable women. Exodus 15: 19-21 and 2 Samuel 6: 12-15 So last week I promised I would return to the other great leader of early Israel who is remembered for music, amongst many other things. Miriam. Miriam’s not quite so well-remembered as…

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David, not your average King!

David, not your average King! Sermon 9 Sep 2018 by Rev. Peta Evans Sermons at The Village MCC Sermons at MCC are in a variety of formats, from traditional teachings to interviews, poetry and song. Many sermons are given by Rev. Michael Hydes or Rev. Peta Evans, but often there…

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This Side of the Rainbow

19th August 2018 (Pride month) Isaiah 54: 8-10 So, I’ve had a very small disaster this week. Not a major one, just a little one. But, you know, I’m Welsh, what’s the point in having a drama if you can’t make a good story out of it? It could have…

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Pride in God! – Sermon Text

A couple of weeks ago Ivor Caplin talked about being yourself and used the story of King David as an example. Remember? Well, I’ve always loved the story so when I found a copy of the film on DVD I was really excited. After all, it’s not just a great…

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Believing in Faith – Sermon Text

Martha and Billy were only young, but they were allowed to walk home from Sunday school together. Whenever Martha and Billy walked home from Sunday school they passed a holiday resort for naturists. They’d never actually seen anything as the property had a great big wall around it. They usually…

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