Hello Village!
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, arguably the most important day in the Christian Calendar. This is the day when the promises of God become real, when we realise that Jesus was more than just a wandering prophet or healer, that he was the first born of God. It’s a day to celebrate, and if you’ve been fasting throughout Lent it’s the day to pig out on all those things you have denied yourself!
But in the midst of our celebrations there is sadness. Kenya is a nation in mourning, reeling from the mass murder of 140 innocent college staff and students, and in Europe we continue to mourn those murdered on flight 9525, struggling to understand how such an event could happen. Many countries are being torn apart by war, those who are the most vulnerable suffering the worst.
In our own community Steve and Eital need our prayers as Steve’s mother is seriously ill. Wendy Burgess continues to be very poorly, Simon’s partner Joseph is very unwell, Elaine is recovering from hip replacement surgery, I’m still trying to shake the Pneumonia that has kept me indoors throughout Holy Week, and I know that other members, friends, and family are also suffering for one reason or another too.
In the midst of Joy there is still work to be done. Prayers for peace, healing, and understanding are as needed now as they were in Jesus day. Thanks God that He is Risen! Thank God that we do not face any of this alone! Thank God that even in the darkness of Calvary a candle of hope flickers.
I pray that you are blessed this Easter weekend. I hope you get the chance to worship with One Church and MCC Brighton on the beach tomorrow morning. the group is meeting at 8am just to the left of the wheel. Hot cross buns and coffee are available, If you’d like something a little more substantial afterwards then come to see Chris and I just along the sea front and have breakfast with us. (3 Portland Mansions, Portland Place – just past the speed camera – 01273 679812)
In the evening we meet at 6pm for our Easter service. We’re celebrating with a seasonal message and a communion rich in Taize’ music. Everyone is very welcome. We are also accepting a Special Offering on behalf of the International Justice Coalition – making a difference around the world. If you would like to make a contribution towards our special offering but are not able to be with us tomorrow please just bring it to church the next time you visit and mark an envelope ‘Easter Offering’. Thank you.
I have attached the latest European Newsletter. Enjoy! It’s lovely to be able to see what other MCC’s around the network are doing.
Know that I am praying for God’s Spirit to fall afresh upon you tomorrow, bringing anew the resurrection joy that sits at the heart of the Gospel. Be blessed!
With Love