There’s a lot going on in this Newsletter. If you want a local perspective then there are really interesting posts from the Sussex Police, Sanctuary on Sea, and the local LGBT Older Project. (Did you know that there’s a Women Over 50 Film Festival on in Brighton on the first and second of October? Or that there’s a Spirituality Cafe that meets regularly on a Thursday afternoon?). If you want the International stuff then there’s news about the flooding in Baton Rouge, (which doesn’t really make the headlines with so much else going on), and all the worldwide MCC News. I wasn’t able to get the Emerging Church Newsletter in here because of the format it’s printed in, but so wanted to share with you that the MCC Holy Boat ‘float’ took 1st prize at Europride in Amsterdam. Very cool!
It was lovely to see Steve and Eital last Sunday, but sad to hear that they are moving back to the USA. I know they weren’t able to visit The Village often, living a two hour drive away, but just knowing that they are now even further away is really sad. I hope that their journey is blessed, and that they settle quickly into their new home.
I also miss Wendy and Nicki, and I’m sad that I’ll not be around during their brief trip back to Brighton. I’m glad that they’ve found a lovely home, glad that they’re enjoying spain, but I still miss them.
I miss Jaz and jean. I can’t imagine the whirlwind of change that they’re experiencing. Such huge loss impacts every area of life. I know you think of them and pray for them every day like I do, but still miss them.
I haven’t talked about Rick – who now has to work every Sunday Evening now; Elaine, who moved out of the area; Maggi, so often on Iona. I’m glad that they’re doing well, but I miss them.
One of my favourite films is ‘A Muppet Christmas Carol’. ( I know ). Kermit, playing Bob Cratchit, says: “It’s all right, children. Life is made up of meetings and partings. That is the way of it”. For me it’s not all right, but Kermit’s right when he says that meetings and partings are inevitable. They’re a part of life.
Of course there are all those wonderful people I do see regularly, that I work with, or connect with in the community, and hold in my heart as friends and family. As much as I miss those who are not here I deeply appreciate the time I get to spend with those who are.
Chris and I are heading off to see family for a few days this week. Hopefully an opportunity to connect more deeply with people we both care for. The last time I saw my sister or other family members was at my Niece’s wedding a year ago. I miss them too.
I’m looking forward to our annual one day retreat on Saturday October 22nd. I can’t believe that almost a year’s gone by. Last year’s retreat was such a milestone and I think that everyone there bonded over workshops and worship. Amongst other events during the day, Mary will be facilitating a worship and workshop experience creating prayer beads. It’s going to be wonderful! Put it in your Diary. 10am – 4pm at The common room where Wendy and Sarah live in Newhaven. It’s fully accessible. Let me know if you need a ride.
I hope you’re enjoying the summer. I pray that God blesses you and that Jesus walk with you. I pray that the Holy Spirit meet you with Grace equal to each day’s need. I pray that every person in your heart, whether you can reach out and physically touch them or not, bless you with their light, and guide you well.
With love
Rev. Michael