Newsletter – 16th Jan 2021

Welcome to this latest update.

You will find the details for this Sunday’s service at the the end of this newsletter.

I have included some news from around the local LGBTQ+ community, and Rev Kate has sent some links to her sources of reference for last Sunday’s service. If you would like to write something for the next newsletter please it would be most welcome. Anything you think others might find interesting, some poetry, your lockdown stories or something else boost our mood.

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. Following our Annual church meeting  we now have some new board Members.

We Welcome Charlie Notley and David Nichols to the board. Wendy Burgess, Simon Markham, and Keith Fish were re-elected and they Join Bill Tinsley who has a further year of his term, still to run.

We thank Tony Wares, who stood down at the ACM, for his time on the Board. Tony will continue to be our social media coordinator.

As we move forward, we will begin to look at the structure of the church and how we operate. There will be various roles available for members to take on board and we will be reaching out in the coming months with details of what help we need.

For the foreseeable future services will continue online, via Zoom and Facebook. If you use Facebook, it would be great if you could ‘share’ our Sunday services so that we can reach out to more people who may be interested in what we do.

For your Prayers.
Many of you know Matthew who has been attending our services at the day centre when we were meeting. yesterday we heard from the home where he lives that they have 6 cases of covid in the home including Matthew. Matthew was admitted to hospital, but thankfully his temperature is under control and he has returned home to recover. Please pray for those affected, the staff, and medical staff involved with their care.

News from MCC HQ

MCC has recently nominated some members and clergy to become ‘Elders’ if the Church

Please click here to see details of the nominations

Do you want to keep up to date with what is happening with The MCC Denomination as a whole?

If you are new to MCC

Click Here

Did you know Gscene the Brighton and Hove LGBTQ+ magazine has had a revamp and rebrand, and is now ‘Scene’ magazine.

Last Sunday Rev Kate Harford brought our message, and was asked by some to give  details of the source she used.

We are grateful to Rev Kate for their support.

To all at The Village

It was a delight to be hosted by you once again this past Sunday. I used my time to reflect on the role of repentance in anti-racism work within a culture of white supremacy, and wanted to offer some follow-up resources. I do hope these are helpful.

I quoted from the theologian Danté Stewart, from a post he wrote on Twitter. The full thread can be found here:

I have also benefited from the work of Jarel Robinson-Brown. Links to his work can be found here:

I have recently read the excellent book Is God Colour-Blind by Anthony Reddie; he also wrote the SCM Core Text on Black Theology.

For a wider British perspective on race and intersecting issues, I would recommend the following:

In our conversation over coffee after the service, Wendy and Stephen also recommended How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. If you learn better from listening and watching, most of these writers are also easily found speaking about their ideas on YouTube.

These books all present a slice of life, theology, and ideas, and are by no means complete in themselves but I hope they inspire you to continue to listen, learn, and act from an antiracist perspective.

All blessings


Have you heard about the plans for an LGBTQ+ centre in Brighton?

Named after the late James Ledward – long-time LGBTQ+ community activist – the new centre’s mission is to promote and support Brighton’s diverse LGBTQ+ community and vibrant culture by providing a safe and accessible space in the heart of the city.

During the last few weeks we asked for donations for a gift to Rev. Michael and Chris as a late Christmas present.

We raised £250.00 and this was sent to them this week. Rev Michael and Chris send their Thanks to everyone for their love and kindness.

Please continue to pray for  Rev Michaels health.


There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to Make Church happen. Too often this has fallen on the shoulders of a faithful few. Please pray for God’s direction as to what part you may be able to play in the life of the Church going forward.

Speak to any board member or Lay delegate about anything you think you might like to help with, reading in services, helping with the technology on Sundays, which is not as difficult as it sounds if you have some basic computer skills. If you have skills in health and safety, safeguarding, or gifts in Pastoral care these are much valued. when we meet again, there will be needs for helping with hospitality to help Simon.

There will be other opportunities to serve in the Church, so please listen out for these over the coming months.

In these Difficult times Keep Calm and Offer your help.

During the last 9 months, we have not been able to take weekly collections at church. Thankfully we have Members who give regularly by standing order which means that we have been able to carry on operating, and supporting Rev Michael.
If you are someone who normally gives to the work of the church in the collection each Sunday, please consider making a gift via a direct payment into the church Bank account. The details are elsewhere in this newsletter. If you would like to set up a regular standing order, then please email for more details.

If you would like to make a one off donation please see the details below.
Sunday’s Service

You can join Sunday Services on Zoom and Facebook.
There are some differences to what you may be used to, but we are still the same Church.
We will continue in this format for the time being, until Rev Michael returns from his leave of absence.

The Service is held on Zoom and streamed at the same time to Facebook.
This means that once Facebook goes live, all conversations and pictures on Zoom can be seen on Facebook.

If you do not want your zoom picture to be seen on Facebook then simply turn off your camera.

Once the service has ended, Facebook will end and we can continue to hold conversations on Zoom.

If you do not have the Zoom codes and would like to join please email and request them.


If you wish to join with the communion meal , simply have some bread and a drink ready.

We have decided to send you the communal words that are to be used during the service.

Also attached are the hymns for this week.

A new mail will be sent out each week before the Sunday Service.

In addition to this, the words will also be attached to Facebook comments, and Zoom Chat on the day.

If you have any issues please let us know.

This Sunday’s Hymns
Sunday 10 January
Let love continue long,
and show to us the way,
and if that love be strong,
no hurt can have a say;
and if that love remain but strong,
no hurt can ever have a say.

If love cannot be found,
though common faith prevails,
when love does not abound,
a common faith will fail.
When human love does not abound,
a common faith will always fail.

If we in love unite,
debate can cause no strife:
for with this love in sight,
disputes enrich our life.
For with this bond of human love,
disputes can mean a richer life.

May love continue long,
and lead us on our way:
for if that love be strong,
no hurt can have a say.
For if that love remain but strong,
no hurt can ever have a say.

This is the air I breathe 
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe, Your holy presence living in me.
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread ,Your very word spoken to me.
And I, … I’m desperate for You. And I, … I’m lost without You

These are the words to join in with during services

Community prayer 

Holy One, whose home is heaven, we praise your sacred name. May your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us when we cause harm, just as we forgive those who have harmed us. Let us not fall into temptation, but save us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.


One: God is with you –
One: Let us open our hearts –
One: Let us give God thanks and praise –

One: Let us join together in the mystery of our faith.
ALL: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Let us send one another into the week with a blessing as we proclaim together that………

             ………we are people of God, called to do justice and walk humbly with God. We are the body of Christ; of many sexualities and gender identities, diversity at work in love and action. We are Christ’s hands and feet in the world.  We seek to be honest, transparent, and true to our call. Just as Jesus has claimed us, may the Holy Spirit lead us, and God bless us, one and all, forever more, Amen

You can print this and keep it handy for services.
Giving to The ’Village’ MCC

The ‘Village’ MCC is self-financing, we do not receive any central funding. If you would like to support the work we do, there are a number of ways to do so.
Regular giving:
If you would like to set up a regular monthly Payment to The “Village’ Church, which is the best way for us to budget for our work, Please email the treasurer at;, you will then be sent the details of how to do this.

If you wish to make a single donation:
You can send a direct payment from your bank account using the following details
From the UK:

  • Lloyds Bank
  • sort code 77-91-29
  • account number 40361660
  • account name The Village MCC
  • Please use the reference ‘Collection’
  • Please also email the Treasurer at to let them know to expect a payment.

Pay by ‘Pay Pal’ use

• There is also a donate button on the Church Website at if bank transfer is not possible.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can still make a donation with your debit card. Please email the Treasurer at; to arrange a phone call to make this payment.

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