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Newsletter – Conference Catchup

Thank you for providing the funds for Dameon, (your lay delegate), and I to attend conference. I hope I represented you well – I know that Dameon did. Despite being in much pain he sat through hour after hour of business meetings, some of which were exciting but most of which were inevitably tedious. One day we had a continuous session that lasted over 6 hours! The business meetings went on so long they had to be extended into Friday, and many of the other events had to be rescheduled or omitted altogether. As a denomination, we use Roberts Rules of Order which help facilitate the meetings but can also drag them out. Points of order, points of information, friendly amendments, it can go on and on. However Elder Don Eastman did a creditable job stepping in as chair, and the mood was generally good-humoured. After the last conference, which failed to elect a new moderator, there was definitely a determination not to have a repeat of the events.

All of the under 40’s involved with conference. Can you spot Dameon?

In the first round of voting Cecilia was ahead with around 50% of the votes, whilst Tony and Liz each had around 25%. Tony graciously stepped out after the first round and on the second round, Cecilia was decisively voted in as our new moderator. I don’t know what it will mean for us to have an English moderator based in the UK, (Cecilia lives just outside Bath), but I suspect there are changes afoot! Please lift Cecilia and our new board in prayer as they wrestle with some of the challenges

As to the rest, the voting went much as you (The Village MCC) asked Dameon to vote. The new board has quite a task on hand but looks very capable. The vote on whether baptism should be a requirement for church membership was postponed and a theologies team will be set up to look at it. You can read more about it, and meet the new board, HERE

Just in case you didn’t spot him!

It was good to meet up with old friends, and there were a couple of tearful reunions. There seemed to be a spirit of determination in the air, and a consensus that God has not finished with us yet! Wherever people are marginalised, denied their rights, taught that God’s love does not include them, there is a place for MCC.

Of course, whilst I was away, the church here in Brighton continued without missing a beat. We are all the body of Christ and together we are the church. But I do want to say a special thank you to Rev. Peta for caring for church life 24/7, and to Tony for recording the sermons. I’ve heard that I missed some great worship. It was nice to go away, but it’s just as nice to be home.

Rev. Michael


You can have a little taste of conference worship HERE

Chris and I with our new moderator, Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston.

PRIDE 2019

Pride will be different for us this year as The LGBT Community Safety Forum is not running accessibility. It’s being run by a private company and so casual volunteers are not needed. I’m sad that we won’t be involved in accessibility, but it does give us the opportunity to run our own stall. Jesus deck readings and temporary tattoos are lots of fun and always enjoyed, and we do get to talk to folk about The Village and what we can offer. Alas, there are very limited volunteer tickets available but if you are already planning on going to Pride and can offer some help throughout the day it would be wonderful. I know it’s going to be a fabulous event – who’d have thought that Kylie Minogue would be headlining?!!!



On Sunday, 7th.July – (3.30 pm; doors open 3.00 pm) – at St.Luke’s Church in Queen’s Park Road, Brighton, one of my adult students, Jannie Lee, will be playing the programme she is preparing for a diploma examination later that month.  Its a fairly short programme, ending around 4.30pm.

This is a very valuable performance experience and both Jannie and I would greatly appreciate your support if you are able join the audience and perhaps bring a friend with you!

Programme: Beethoven – Sonata in D, Op.10 No.3; Debussy – Ondine (Preludes Book 2); Ireland – Amberley Wild Brooks; Chopin – Scherzo No.2 in B flat minor, Op.31.

The Church is at the junction of Queen’s Park Road and Queen’s Park Terrace, served by bus routes 18, 21, 21a and 23; the bus stops, depending on the route, are called either St.Luke’s Church or The Pepper Pot and are all just a few yards from the Church.  Bus route 22 goes to the end of Queen’s Park Road (in Elm Grove) – the stop is Queen’s Park Junction – and then its a 5-10 minutes walk to the Church.   There is disabled access.

Learning about: Mental Health and Nature

Research shows us that being in nature promotes well-being and can help with the healing of mental health issues.

Peace of Mind is offering a day at Saddlescombe Farm with Growing Wellbeing to experience that for yourself and to help you learn how your faith community can use nature to support people with mental health issues.

Saturday, July 20, 10:00 – 4:00

Saddlescombe Farm BN45 7DE

Course Facilitator: Jo Wren and the team of “Growing Wellbeing”

Booking forms from


Peace of Mind (Brighton and Hove)

Empowering faith communities to support people with mental health concerns

Have you tried PRAY-AS-YOU-GO from the Jesuits? It’s worth a listen and usually LGBT+ friendly.

Newsletters and events you might find of interest:

Q Spirit newsletter

HRC: remembering Stonewall 50 years on.

Three years on – remembering the victims of Pulse.

London bus attack – homophobic attacks in London more common than most people realise.

National LGB&T partnership Newsletter

National LGBT awards for Stephen Fry, Little Mix, and Peter Tatchell

The rainbow flag originally had 8 colours, and hot pink was for sex!

See ALTURI for some of the latest LGBT+ news. 

Simply ‘click’ to open each newsletter in a new window.

(Thank you to the Peter Tatchell foundation for some of these links).

Who is who at the Village MCC?

Wendy, Isla, and Charlie are our Deacons at the Village. They’re able to offer emotional support and a friendly ear, and some signposting when you need further help. They especially love to get to know people so don’t be afraid just to connect for a coffee. They’re great listeners!

Tony Wares is our Social Media Coordinator and we now have active pages on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I can’t say that I understand any of it but I know that many people have visited with us through these media and have connected with the church. If you’d like to post anything relevant then please talk to Tony. My husband Chris looks after the website.

Dameon is our Lay delegate. His job is to ensure that communication lines are open; between the pastor and board, pastor and congregation, board and congregation, UFMCC and The Village MCC. If you don’t feel you can talk to the pastor, or a board member, or even a deacon, then Dameon is the one to talk to. Dameon is also responsible for hospitality, welcoming new people, sending birthday and celebration cards.

Mary is our health and safety officer; Sarah is our safeguarding officer. Wendy, Simon, Keith, and Rev. Peta are all board members. Keith is treasurer, Simon is secretary, Rev. Peta is vice chair, and Wendy is member at large. Will is our worship leader and musician.

Pickle team members are Rev. Peta, Stephen, Sarah, James, Isla, and myself. The Garden is managed by Rev. Peta and Mary. The web site and facebook page are run by Chris. The prayer team is Wendy, Sheila, and Rev. Peta. Pastoral care is specifically Wendy, Rev. Peta, and myself, although any of the deacons will offer a listening ear.  Simon organises refreshments for the worship service.

Anyone can join the group of liturgists opening the service with a reading and prayer, or offer a word by preaching, or praying in worship for the congregation, or by celebrating and/or serving communion. Church is a community in action, and if you feel called to help out just let me know!

PRIDE 2019

Pride will be different for us this year as The LGBT Community Safety Forum is not running accessibility. It’s being run by a private company and so casual volunteers are not needed. I’m sad that we won’t be involved in accessibility, but it does give us the opportunity to run our own stall. Jesus deck readings and temporary tattoos are lots of fun and always enjoyed, and we do get to talk to folk about The Village and what we can offer. Alas, there are very limited volunteer tickets available but if you are already planning on going to Pride and can offer some help throughout the day it would be wonderful. I know it’s going to be a fabulous event – who’d have thought that Kylie Minogue would be headlining.