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Newsletter March 2020

Let’s begin with Covid 19. That’s the official name given to the coronavirus that’s causing so much angst. ‘Covid 19’ sounds like the name of a planet off star trek, and ‘Corona’ was the name of the pop sold from the back of a van when I was a kid. I knew all that sugar would come back to bite me!

Of course, the virus itself is a serious reality and we should all be cautious – but be careful not overreact. If you have a serious underlying health condition or a damaged immune system you should be extra vigilant. You’ll notice that we don’t hug nearly as much in church, and there is hand sanitiser by the door when you come in – both sensible precautions. Beware of the information you see on social media and check any posts you receive on SNOPES.COM before you re-post. Remember, you are not responsible for the posts that you receive, but you are responsible for what you re-post. Please check it out before you re-post as even the most innocuous posts can turn out to be spam.

We are still planning for Pride events etc. but will make decisions on how to move ahead based on the advice given nearer the time. Church, prayer group, and bible study are continuing as normal, and I’ll let you know if the board and I feel the need to make any changes.

If you want to chat, just to get the load off your chest, then either I or the deacons are available for you. And if you need to self-isolate then please let me know if you need anything.

I pray that as we move through this that peace be with you, God’s Spirit protect you, and love hold you fast.

Be blessed

Rev. Michael

Every year the LGBT Community Safety Forum receives funds from the Alternative Panto. It makes up the mainstay of our annual funding . This year we are really short of volunteers to show folk to their seats, sell programs, and be there to help out. Of course the bonus is that you get to see the panto! If you are able to help please let me know asap. The dates are on the poster, and there is a Matinee on Saturday and Sunday. Thank you. Rev. Michael.

(07476 667353 – Please remember that this is a bawdy panto and that often the humour is inappropriate and sometimes offensive – Think Brighton drag. It’s loads of fun but you have been warned.  lol!)


Regular Events

Thursday 12th March
And every fortnight thereafter
Bible study 7:30
(At Charlie’s home)

Tuesday 17th March
And every fortnight thereafter
Prayer meeting 7:30
(At Rev. Michael’s home)

Some of the events to look forward to:

Palm Sunday service April 5th.

The Village Seder April 9th

Easter Sunday April 12th

Kemp town Carnival June 6th

BBW* cake stall June 20th

WTC** Showcase event
June 23rd (Tuesday)

Worthing Pride July 11

Eastbourne Pride July 18

Trans Pride July 18

Brighton Pride Aug 01 (Parade)

Village Pride service Aug 02

* Brighton Bear Weekend

** Working to Connect.

Pleas see notes below


Lots of wonderful events coming up:

On Palm Sunday Mary is helping us celebrate with a special service of palms. Expect her usual wonderfully creative spirit to carry us to new places!

Our Seder is at 7pm on Thursday April 9th where we shall once again connect with our Jewish heritage and the renewed promises of God.

*We will be holding a cake stall at the Brighton Bear weekend event on June 20th. I know you’re so good at baking cakes and biscuits – and bears love cakes and biscuits! Please show off your baking skills and help us raise money for Lunch Positive.

**The Working to Connect showcase event is held at the Friends meeting house and is a great way to meet new people and other groups that serve the LGBT community. Lunch Positive always do great food and it’s a lovely evening! Times to be confirmed but usually from 7-9pm.

We are already planning Pride events. Although we will not be present at the main Pride festival in Brighton this year we are looking at perhaps getting a few folk together to walk in the parade. Watch this space.

Further into the year I am planning the church retreat. I am hoping that we can go away on a weekend retreat but all plans are on hold until we have a better understanding of how the virus is going to affect plans. I will let you know more details as we move forward.

This message is from Alice Booth at THT.

HIV Awareness and HIV & Ageing Awareness courses

I wanted to let you know about some new dates for the free HIV Awareness and HIV & Ageing Awareness courses happening at THT Brighton over the next few months. Please help us to spread the word by sending this to colleagues or around any relevant mailing lists (the training is relevant to anyone who works with people or manages a staff team.)

Full details about each course are below, and please contact me if you have any questions. NB. Both courses are quite similar in content, but the ageing one just has more of a focus on older people, so you don’t need to attend both.

There will be other dates coming up for both courses, so if you can’t make these sessions, please contact me to register your interest for the future. The courses also fill up fast, so please sign up ASAP.

THT also has some scope to offer bespoke or in house training to staff teams, so if this is of interest to you please get in touch to discuss.

To reserve a space on the training email  (and please specify exactly which course and which date you would like to book onto. Thanks!)

What: 1 day HIV Awareness Training

When: Monday 27th April 10am – 4pm (A few spaces left)

OR Wednesday 17th June 10am – 4.30pm

OR Tuesday 14th July 10am – 4.30pm

OR Wednesday 19th August 10am – 4.30pm

Where: Terrence Higgins Trust, 61 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AE

Cost: Free (tea & coffee provided)

Booking: Please contact Alice Booth – or leave a message for her on 01273 764200

Training Details:

HIV has changed dramatically over the last 30 years, and is your knowledge up to date? Would you know how best to support someone or care for someone living with HIV?

This training is aimed at anyone who needs to improve their knowledge and understanding of HIV, and to better understand what it means to live with HIV. It is relevant to anyone who works with people who may be living with HIV or at risk of acquiring HIV, or who manages staff.

This training will cover:

–          HIV Facts & Figures

–          HIV Awareness (transmission, treatment, myths)

–          Understanding the implications of life with HIV (stigma, discrimination, treatment, side effects)

–          How best to provide quality of care to people living with HIV

–          Case studies of people living with HIV


What: 1 day HIV & Ageing Awareness Training

When: Thursday 2nd July 10am – 4.30pm

OR Monday 24th August 10am – 4.30pm

Where: Terrence Higgins Trust, 61 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AE

Cost: Free (tea & coffee provided)

Booking: Please contact Alice Booth – or leave a message for her on 01273 764200

Training Details:

People are living normal life expectancies with HIV, and almost half of the people living with HIV are over 50. Do you and your staff know enough about the challenges faced by older people living with HIV? Would you know how to best support or care for them?

This training is aimed at anyone who works with older people and needs to improve their knowledge and understanding of HIV. It will help you to better understand what it means to live with HIV and how to provide quality of care to people living with HIV. It is relevant to staff from any discipline, who work with older people.

This training will cover:

–          HIV Facts & Figures

–          HIV Awareness (transmission, treatment, myths)

–          Understanding the implications of ageing with HIV (stigma, discrimination, treatment, side effects)

–          How to provide quality of care to older people with HIV

–          Case studies of people ageing with HIV