Queerying Christianity 6-week Lenten Workshop

Queering Christianity is a FREE six week workshop series asking some honestly difficult questions without trying to teach trite dogmatic answers. It’s a chance to genuinely explore faith questions in a safe environment with other LGBT+ people. The course is designed to help you find your answers in ways that genuinely affirm who you are.

Feb 21st What is the ‘Good News’ – really?

Feb 28th Who, or what, is God?

March 7th What is the bible?

March 14th Does God approve of you being LGBT+?

March 21st What is prayer?

March 28th What is Easter?

The evening begins with a short presentation on the given subject and then we gather over a cup of tea to share our thoughts and experiences. We then bring everything together to see what we have discovered from each other, and to see what living faith can look like.

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
@ the Somerset Day Centre, 62 St, James St, Brighton Bn2 1PR.
Free car park at the rear of the building.
Refreshments served.
Tel: 07476 667353


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