This coming Sunday (14th Sep) we are taking a special collection for the relief effort in the Bahamas, and both Bill and Sheila will be giving a brief homily – no sermon! They both have a few minutes to share part of their story with us – you don’t want to miss it!
It seems like ages since I’ve had the time to put together a newsletter, and so much has happened.
On the world stage, the Brexit politics pale into insignificance against the tragedy in the Bahamas. The devastation left by the storm is mind-blowing. It’s bad enough for those who have families and support, but for many of our LGBT+ siblings who do not have families or churches to support them, it’s a different story. Thank goodness for the Global Justice Institute – reaching out to grassroots organisations on the ground to offer advice and financial support. And during the last few weeks, MCC ran a resource for local churches in the USA that allowed them to connect and reach out to help. We will also be sending some financial help, and this Sunday we will take a special collection so there is a chance for you to make a donation towards the relief effort if you so wish.
I hope that you are well, and looking forward to our all-church retreat on October 5th. Our leadership retreat was a great success, and a special thank you to Rev. Alex Mabbs for his support. As we move towards a new church year we have a new liturgical calendar, (see the list on the right) and will be reaching out to some wonderful guest speakers. At the centre of it all, God’s Spirit continues to move, helping us to be the church that God has called us to be in this community.
So, thank you for all you do to help us be the hands and feet of Christ. Your gifts and offerings are greatly appreciated, and your joyous spirit is an inspiration to me. Don’t forget, if you’d like to be more involved in church life, in any way, then let me know!
Rev. Michael
Note from Tony:
One of the most remarkable pianists I have encountered recently is aptly named Rhythmie Wong. She is to play the Lunchtime Recital at the Chapel Royal (North Street, Brighton) on Tuesday,17th.September at 1.10 pm. Tickets, at the door, are £3-00.
At the Sussex International Piano Competition her playing caused something of a sensation; the reaction of one very experienced member of the jury was that her remarkable performance of Ravel’s transcription of La Valse could have been mistaken for the two-piano version! Additionally her programme includes another of the most challenging works of the piano repertoire, the same composer’s Gaspard de la nuit, and is completed by two works of Granados, The Maiden and the Nightingale (Goyescas) and Allegro de Concierto.
She plays a full-length recital for Haywards Heath Music Society on Saturday, 21st.September at St.Wilfrid’s Church (7.30 pm). Tickets are £15-00. The extended programme includes Haydn’s Sonata in E flat Hob.XVI:52 and Valses Poeticos by Granados.
ALSO – at St.Mary’s Church, 6.00 pm. Saturday 14th.Sept. Piano Trio by local composer Barry Mills and Beethoven’s “Archduke” Trio. Admission and refreshments after are “free” but donations (a collection plate is left out) are welcomed.
Have you tried PRAY-AS-YOU-GO from the Jesuits? It’s worth a listen and usually LGBT+ friendly.
Worship themes for 2020
January – New beginnings
February – The minor prophets
March and April – Lent and Easter
May – Health and healing
June – The Holy Spirit
July – Pride
August – Fun!
September – The teachings of the Apostle Paul
October – Harvest
November – Remembrance
December – Advent
Newsletters and events you might find of interest:
Brighton and Hove centre for spirituality
Open night shelters in Brighton and Hove 365 days a year
Who is who at the Village MCC?
Wendy, Isla, and Charlie are our Deacons at the Village. They’re able to offer emotional support and a friendly ear, and some signposting when you need further help. They especially love to get to know people so don’t be afraid just to connect for a coffee. They’re great listeners!
Tony Wares is our Social Media Coordinator and we now have active pages on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I can’t say that I understand any of it but I know that many people have visited with us through these media and have connected with the church. If you’d like to post anything relevant then please talk to Tony. My husband Chris looks after the website.
Dameon is our Lay delegate. His job is to ensure that communication lines are open; between the pastor and board, pastor and congregation, board and congregation, UFMCC and The Village MCC. If you don’t feel you can talk to the pastor, or a board member, or even a deacon, then Dameon is the one to talk to. Dameon is also responsible for hospitality, welcoming new people, sending birthday and celebration cards.
Mary is our health and safety officer; Sarah is our safeguarding officer. Wendy, Simon, Keith, and Rev. Peta are all board members. Keith is treasurer, Simon is secretary, Rev. Peta is vice-chair, and Wendy is member at large. Will is our worship leader and musician.
Pickle team members are Rev. Peta, Stephen, Sarah, James, Isla, and myself. The Garden is managed by Rev. Peta and Mary. The web site and facebook page are run by Chris. The prayer team is Wendy, Sheila, and Rev. Peta. Pastoral care is specifically Wendy, Rev. Peta, and myself, although any of the deacons will offer a listening ear. Simon organises refreshments for the worship service.
Anyone can join the group of liturgists opening the service with a reading and prayer, or offer a word by preaching, or praying in worship for the congregation, or by celebrating and/or serving communion. Church is a community in action, and if you feel called to help out just let me know!