The Village MCC @ Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Groups Network

The Village MCC @ Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Groups NetworkOn Wednesday evening a number of us from The Village MCC staffed a table at the Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Groups Network. The network operates in East Sussex, connecting LGBTQ groups so they can support each other and share resources. The Village MCC already has strong ties with the Older and Out group, Lunch Positive, and the LGBT community Safety Forum. At the annual community group meeting,which was attended by the Lord Mayor and Chief Constable, The Village MCC gave out information and offered support to community projects.

A big Thank You to Jean, Maggi, Simon, Keith, and Chris, who came to support the event, and to Robert Douglas who was there representing GEMS but nevertheless on occasion also had a Village MCC hat on. Suzy and Andrew were there representing MCC Brighton, and it was lovely to see them both. 
We’re not officially even a month old and we’re getting known in the community. I have been asked to speak on Transgender spirituality for one group, having had the privilege of working with many Trans people of faith over the years. We’re also looking at ways in which we can help other LGBT organizations achieve their goals. It’s very exciting!
I believe that it is our job to be Christ in the community. Not to preach Christ in the community, but to be Christ in the community. 
St. Francis of Assisi said “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words,” and I believe I know what he meant. It’s not easy to serve the needs of others rather than our own. It means that our actions speak for us, our actions rather than our words reveal our character and motives. 
As time goes on it’s not just the LGBTQ communities that will learn who we are. In our service of others we shall learn who we are too. Our actions are the mirror that reveal our true selves, and it is the greatest of joys when we discover that our true nature is more Christ like than we could have imagined.
I pray you have a wonderful and blessed week.
Rev. Michael. 

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