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The Village MCC Day Healing Retreat, 7th October 2017

The Village MCC Day Retreat this year will be held at Mary’s work unit in the Hove Enterprise Centre. We begin the day at 10 am and close at 4 pm. Please bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome and you are free to bring a friend.

The theme for this year is HEALING. Throughout the day Stephen Crowther will be leading healing worship, Rev. Peta will be sharing his knowledge on the healing properties of some locally found plant life, and I will be leading a meditation that brings us to the heart of God’s healing. Besides all that, we will be reviewing our Sunday Worship service liturgy and focus points for the year ahead.

Please call me on 07476 667353 if you need directions.

I’m so looking forward to spending this day with you.

Much Love – Rev. Michael