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Welcome to The Village MCC‏

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Dear Village,

If this is the first time you’ve received an email from The Village MCC, welcome! You can unsubscribe from this email list at any time by simply replying with the word REMOVE in the subject line.
Each week I send out a ‘thought for the week’ with a few of the events going on in our community. Some are church events, some are LGBT events, and others are simply local events. If you’d like me to add an event then please let me know.
If you watched PROMETHEUS on Channel 4 over the weekend you may have been a little freaked out by an advert for synthetic people. The advert claimed thatPersona Synthetics has now created a life like synthetic human to do housework and be a home help. There’s even a mention of a new shop on Regent street and a website to check out:
Don’t worry, we’re not there yet, it’s a rather clever advert for a new Channel 4 series coming soon called HUMANS. I’m a big Sci-Fi fan so I’m looking forward to it.
Actually, I’m really impressed that technology has come so far that Channel 4 is able to create a TV series like this, with special effects that were until recently reserved for big budget movies. Computing power is such now that CGI is widely accessible, creating extraordinary special effects, even for limited budgets.
touch-of-life-michelangelo[1]Yet, however far we get, nothing removes the need for human contact. We love to watch a movie, but it’s better when we watch it with a friend. We could fill our homes with robots, but we’d still need to be held by another human being, feel their touch, and connect. Part of what makes us human is our need for human contact. Sometimes we just need a hug.
Jesus reached out and touched others all the time. By touching those who society deemed ‘unclean’ he identified with them. He wasn’t afraid to break down barriers and bring hope. He understood that isolation can damage us and community can heals us. Perhaps that’s why he called us together to be church.
I pray you have a wonderful and blessed week.