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Kemptown Festival, Brandan Robertson and more!

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kemptown festivalLast week was a bit hectic so I didn’t manage to get a blog out. Group meeting on Tuesday, Sleep Safe board meeting on Wednesday, church board meeting Friday, Kemptown festival and a wedding on Saturday. Busy week!

The Kemptown festival was a blast! Thank you to Ann, Linda, Mary, Tony, Greg, Chris, Simon, Robert, Stephen, Jan, and Vicky for all your help. Over 130 survey forms were filled in – it’s going to take some time to collate the data. We also filled the children of Brighton (and a few adults!) with Haribo, although next time we do this we might want to think about a healthy option!

Tomorrow I’m speaking to the Lunch Positive volunteers about Sleep Safe, and then with Rev. Robin Selmes at Dorset Gardens Methodist church about providing meals for the vulnerable and homeless in Kemptown. I’ll let you know how it all goes.

I have been looking forward to this week for quite a while because on Wednesday Brandan Robertson will be with us. Wednesday, 7pm, at the Somerset Day Centre. Come along to meet him and hear his story. Did you know that he was outed by TIME magazine? It’s quite a journey. Come along and bring friends with you. There’s sure to be ideas that will interest all of us, whether or not we are Village MCC.