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Special events This Sunday 28th of June, Saturday 8th of August, and Saturday 5th of September

  • by Sunday is special in that Mary has created a service that highlights the relationship between the rich and poor in the world. Together, sat at tables, we will share a simple meal. For some it will be the meal of the poor, for others the meal of the rich, for yet others somewhere between the two. We’ll share in prayers and Mary will lead us through an experience that will help ground us in the life of others. Come Hungry, and be aware that this is a departure from our regular service, so although there will be a familiar format the songs and content will not be from our usual menu – as familiar as they may be to you anyway.

Don’t worry, you can be involved as much or little as you like, you can be at the centre of the event, or an observer – but it will most probably be a richer experience for you if you get involved. Either way I’m sure that Mary’s unique focus will bring a special flavour to our worship this week. Thank you Mary.

let-s-party-clip-art-bbq-clipart-word-bbq[1]The Saturday after Pride, August 8th, Ann and Linda are throwing a BBQ get together for the church. There is a £5 cover charge for the food. (Ann and Linda always put together a great spread!) It’ll be a day of hanging out together and connecting, a chance to get to know one another a little better. We need numbers for the catering so please see Ann or Linda. If you also fancy a game of rummykub (I’ve yet to win) then let me know!

Then on Saturday 5th of September we will be walking from the Red Lion pub in Shoreham up the river, then meeting back at the pub for lunch. You can come and walk, but not eat; or you can eat, and not walk; or you can do both and walk as little or as much as you like since we’ll simply be walking from the pub up the river and then back again. This is a dog friendly event and a great way to meet with friends. Again, please see Ann or Linda to book for lunch at the Red Lion.

Banner-prideI’m getting very nervous and excited about Pride. The carnival stall is going to be lots of fun and I can’t wait to dress up for it! Pride is certainly a time to let our hair down and have a blast. I’ve been looking at costumes and I’m thinking of dying my beard with a temporary colour for the day. What do you think – Red? Pink? Blue? Green? I haven’t got a lot on top so you know what they say – ‘if you haven’t got a garden then see what you can do with a window box’!

And what are you dressing as? I hope that you’re able to be with us for an hour or so, and don’t be afraid to ask your friends to help. This is a community event, serving the community, we’re going to add to the PRIDE experience and blow off some steam at the same time!! It’s not about promoting the church, it’s about having some fun as a church.

We were hoping to create a ‘chill out space’ at the centre on Pride Sunday, serving tea and coffee outside from 6-8pm. Alas, the management of the Somerset Day Centre won’t allow us to do anything on that evening that draws attention to the centre. Last year there was lots of trouble around that area at the top of James Street and they are understandably afraid that we might be a focus for it. So, back to the drawing board but if you have any ideas then let me know.

This is our first Pride as a church, so we don’t want to overextend ourselves, but we do want to celebrate who we are as an LGBTQ affirming church. How best do we do that on Pride Sunday?

Have a wonderful and blessed week.

Much love
