The Tuesday Night Group

Sponsored-By-The-Village-MCCthe tuesday night group Sponsored-By-The-Village-MCCthe tuesday night group This coming Tuesday, 7th July, we are holding our first Tuesday Night Group. We’re meeting at Rev. Michael’s house, (Please call 01273 679812 for address details) from 7:30 – 9:00 pm.

The evening is split into three parts, each lasting approximately 30 minutes.

1. We begin with prayer and then a sharing of a daily devotional from The Road to Emmaus, compiled by by Joseph W. Houle. (There is a link at the bottom of the page if you’d like to buy a copy. It is out of print but you can get a second hand copy for about three pounds, including postage – although you don’t need it to join this group). We will together read the scripture and devotional for the day, and then talk about how it doe or does not relate to us in our own lives.

2. We then spend some time checking in and sharing. How are we doing? What new revelations have we discovered and would like to share? What is God doing in our life? What problems and situations are we facing that we’d like support with? Whether it’s the plight of refugees worldwide or our concerns over a neighbor, this is the place to bring them. This is not a place to receive advice – we are not ‘fixing’ each other. This is a time of sharing and listening so that we can lift all of these situations to God.

3. We then spend time praying together, for each other and the world we live in. We invite God anew into our lives and the situations that need a touch from God. We thank God for the good things in our lives and, as a group, we lift everything to God. We lift the good and the bad, with thanksgiving and supplication. We understand that God wants to be with us and together we have the courage to invite God to walk with us and touch our lives.

At the beginning of the group everyone agrees that the contents of the meeting are confidential. What is shared in the group stays in the group. We open with prayer and close with the prayer that Jesus taught us.

Tea, coffee, and biscuits are served at the beginning of the evening and, for those who wish it, at the end.

I’ve been looking forward to this for a while and the time seems right now to start.It is a chance to deepen our faith in a safe and relaxed environment.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.


Rev. Michael.

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