Life is made up of meetings and partings

There’s a lot going on in this Newsletter. If you want a local perspective then there are really interesting posts from the Sussex Police, Sanctuary on Sea, and the local LGBT Older Project. (Did you know that there’s a Women Over 50 Film Festival on in Brighton on the first…

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Filtering out the noise.

The storm rages about you, a maelstrom of information sweeps about like so much debris. The news at 6 with all the international horror and sadness, followed by the regional news supplying the local flotsam of negativity. Facebook video clips showing the mistakes people have made, or the insensitivity of leaders, followed by a kitten snuggled up…

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Order in the midst of chaos

On Monday I was driving along when I saw this really unusual cloud formation. I stopped, took my phone out, and snapped a picture. At the time I was sure I saw an angel in the clouds. Then I thought perhaps I saw two. Then when I got home and…

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